Revolting by Bryony Kimmings: A WonderFool Youth Board production at Traverse Theatre 22nd April. Bryony Kimmings has provided ‘a paint by numbers self-generating play’ and Youth Board have collaborated, explored and negotiated this piece through a series of workshops with a cast of young people from across Scotland. The actors sprung confidently onto the stage with examples of what they found revolting- from some bodily functions to global injustices. It was a piece of work that caught the audience’s attention and held it: as much due to the entire cast’s passion and energy as due to the content. There was lightness and silliness as well as serious concerns including poverty, capitalism, the environment, toxic relationships, and racism. However, the tone was one of optimism rather than despair. There was enough capering to balance the weight. Leo Shak’s initial comedy of ‘Cher- ing’ and the reasons why he wasn’t able to ‘Cher’ for a few days was a good example of this balance. T...